Shivraj Patil failed as the Home Minister of India, before 26/11 happened. And now Chidambaram has failed too, as the Home Minister of India post 26/11. He may seem as a somber gentleman in lungi, looking oh so innocent, as if there is no other politicians, who can match his innocence. His PR activities with some of the Congress favourite channels (NDTV, CNN IBN etc etc) and their so-called esteemed editors are perfection to match for any other Indian politicians. Even though he has failed, blamed his predecessor Shivraj Patil about 26/11, Chidambaram’s brand image as a clean politician is intact courtesy Indian media and NDTV.
Ever since he took over as our Home Ministry post 26/11, he claims to have controlled every department under him, so much so that every time he claims so, various department officials have gone ahead to reveal the truth in the media, thereby highlighting how the Home Minister has failed in his duties. Does he really deserve to continue as the Home Minister with all his failures? Time and again, he has blamed the media for speculating things but then, how do the media get to know what is happening in the Home Ministry if he is not leaking all those news & information to his favourite channel NDTV – be it information about ‘Operation Green Hunt’ (which he made public himself about), information of David Headely’s link to 26/11 attack, just to name a few…
However, his favourite channel NDTV is not asking him seriously as to why his ministry has failed to disperse all the compensation announced by the Centre to the relatives of victims of 26/11 Mumbai even after one long year? Why he has not taken any action for all the cheques bounced that were issued to the affected poor families by the Centre? What action has he taken since the last 12 months? Does it take an anniversary to celebrate and be in an embarrassing position for the careless Home Minister to just say a five letter word in capital – SORRY! Does it solve the problems and erase the trauma of the victimized families, who died on that dreadful night? Even the martyrs wives had to reach out to Sonia Gandhi after a year to inform her that the government has not provided and fulfilled their promises to grant them by the spur-of-the-moment promised ‘petrol pump’. Really, it is the biggest blot and SHAME in Chidambaram’s career as the Home Minister!
As we neared the first anniversary of 26/11, skeletons from the cupboard started coming out in various forms… TO THE LAST BULLET by Vinita Kamte, Gafoor’s statement about four high officers refusing to do their duty on that fateful night, the missing bulletproof jacket of the braveheart Karkare, Rakesh Maria’s mismanagement on that fateful night, Chagan Bhujbal’s statement on how the State Home Minister RR Patil refused to step out of his house, no sign or name of the supplier of the bulletproof jackets to Mumbai police, no sign or name of the politicians who cleared the tender for the sub-standard bulletproof jacket, government’s failure to disperse the promised relief and grant to victims’ families even after a year, failure of Indian Intelligence Bureau who just didn’t had any clues about 26/11 attack…
Chidambaram surely has failed as the Home Minister and his dual policy in blaming the media for his incompetence shows how incompetent our respective ministers are in various departments and ministries. On one hand, he wants that his image to be built up in a positive note by NDTV and CNN IBN (he is always available to be on these two channels’ brand building shows) and on the other hand, to hide his incompetence, he blames the media. I don’t deny the fact that Chidambaram has a huge responsibility to look after the nation and not only deal with 26/11 problems or Naxals, but then… if our politicians work sincerely from the bottom of the heart to do something really worthwhile, they can and have achieved greater things. And one of the greatest achievements of Congress leaders is that most of them have become crorepatis in the shortest time and that too, when the world is facing recession! If they can achieve such a big feat in the shortest possible time, surely in a five-year-term, they can achieve wonderful results for our beautiful motherland BHARAT! Jai Hind!
Chidambaram should avoid to be on television reality shows, yes, news channels are actually showing ‘various reality shows’ rather than informing viewers about the happenings around the world. Chidambaram should let his action speak rather than saying just SORRY by shedding crocodile tears in front of camera.